Dear beloved, we have faced together an invisible enemy in the form of a virus, which led to lack of resources, lack of jobs and less help from the government. We thank our Lord for generosity of our faithful donors as it is because of heartfelt support we have been able to continue helping our kids. As seen in above pictures, Dana finished her studies, she now has a BSc (Bachelor's Degree) and we cannot be more prouder for all she accomplished. Well done, Dana! We love you! ❤️ After losing Mariana to Covid-19, Claudiu (Angel Boy) remained with Ilie. We cannot thank the Lord more as he is all Claudiu has. Our Angel Boy is now officially an adult, he graduated High School and turned 21 years old.
This year Claudiu and Ilie have managed to take a vacation and visit a few places in Romania. We have been trying to raise money for Claudiu to get a studio flat but with the pandemic and economy being halted, we had to postpone this project. If you are interested in helping Claudiu, please note that he has his own bank account and he would be able to use the funds with Ilie's help. Please let us know and we will send you all the details.
Our beloved,
We are pleased and honored to announce our next project: Living Word Camp - July 2020. We have been able to book the week of 4th to 11th of July 2020 and in faith we proclaim it a time of spiritual growth, wonderful teaching and meditating on God's living word. Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ Matthew 4:4 NIV Our FCM children are no longer innocent kids and we need to put in them the fire of serving the Lord, and the desire to follow Jesus into eternity. It is not just our duty, but God's command also. He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation". Mark 28:19 NIV The mission we have towards these young adults, who we have known for all their lives, is making sure they all understand who God is, who we are according to His word and what is our purpose in life. If we accomplish this successfully, we can rest assured, they will be guided, accompanied and protected in whatever they do. "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6 NIV Our plan is to have a few seminars on different themes, spiritual teaching, testimonies, Christian movies nights, fellowship and lots of fun activities. Would you like to be part of this wonderful project? Please, prayerfully consider the following options: 1. Be part of the project by coming to Romania as a volunteer and sharing your testimony, your walk with the Lord and how this changed your life. 2. Contribute financially to meet all the needs of this camp - accommodation and food, including transportation costs are approximately $10,000.00 USD 3. Donate Christian literature, bibles and any Christian diaries/planners for our FCM children and their families. 4. PRAY! We need prayer warriors to continuously keeping our ministry and all our missionaries in prayer, to accomplish everything the Lord had put on our hearts, to share God's love and word as well as being and acting in His image. We love you dearly and we are praying you know it. We have done so much helping these children, and it is all because of your generous hearts and faithfulness. If you would like to donate please do so on the website or use the office address listed. "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14 Father’s Care Ministry is pleased to introduce to you a new project: LIVING WORD. We love our Father’s Care kids so much that we want them all to know and be filled with God’s word through the Bible if they need it and teenagers’ Christian literature to help them grow in the Lord. We would love for you to be part of it in one of the following ways:
1) Buying bibles, Christian literature in English (donating the bibles/Christian literature or giving love offerings for them) 2) Donating Christian books 3) Sending love offerings to Father’s Care Ministry to buy Romanian Christian literature and Romanian bibles. 4) Praying for our Father’s Care kids that God will protect their souls through spiritual teaching, that His word will feed them and keep them strong and faithful. May God receive all the glory and may His Kingdom grow with these precious ones and through them as they will spread the Gospel! |
Father's Care MinistryWe are grateful and honored to serve with you! Archives
July 2022
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Office Address:
737 S. Belmont St. #4 Delano, Ca. 93215 Ph No: (661) 900-3833 |
Email addresses:
Nannette Gonzalez - CEO/President [email protected] For any information please send an email at contact@fatherscareministry,com |